Rude Dragon Marijuana Seeds Information
This cannabis is a resinous variety that came from the efforts of the breeder Dragons Flame Genetics. It is one of its collections that shine the breeder’s name. It is a good source of tincture of hash, giving a high yield. This is a beautiful plant that is has a sturdy built and a Beefy OG. This comes from the combination of RudeBoi OG and Dragons Stash F2 varieties.
What are the Flavor and Effects of Rude Dragon?
You will taste flavors that are earthy, hash, kush, and gas. While you enjoy the taste, you will feel its effect that relaxes your mind and body. It does not give you much thought of things to do but allows you to have recreation even while alone by reading or listening to music.
What are the Medical Benefits of Rude Dragon?
If you want to get rid of pain relief, you can seek this marijuana if you had not tried it. It also has power for muscle relaxation, alleviating nausea, induce a good appetite, and allowing you to have a good rest.
Negative Effect you Can Expect from Rude Dragon
You may experience dry mouth or eyes as negative effects of this cannabis. Others have experienced some sudden hunger attack that does not last long. You can prepare water and some healthy snacks for these negative effects.
How to Grow Rude Dragon?
This cannabis has been on the garden of many breeders and growers who are in areas where cannabis cultivation is allowed. If it is allowed in your area and would want to grow one, this is a good candidate. It is not sensitive but has the strength to grow strong and healthy.