Purple Lotus Marijuana Seeds Information
The Purple Lotus is a nicely balanced strain generally taken for its strong cerebral effects of sedation— making it best for use in the evening.
Bred by Master Thai, it is an Indica-dominant hybrid from crossing the strains of Turkey and Purple Mendo. The combination was meant to produce Grand Daddy Purple but the cross ended up with a serendipitous discovery of a new breed.
What are the Flavor and Effects of Purple Lotus?
The taste is heavily earthy with subtle flavors that are like flowers and wood.
Its smoke is strong with a predominant aroma of skunk that can fill the whole room. It is not meant for being discreet thus it would be great if you could have an air cleaner on standby.
Usage can initially make you feel uplifted, energetic, happy and euphoric. Once the effects finally settle, you could be hit with a strong and sedating feeling of relaxation.
What are the Medical Benefits of Purple Lotus?
Besides its recreational use, the Purple Lotus is also used to relieve users who suffer from severe fatigue and anxiety.
Its sedative effect also aids in pain management by giving relief for headaches, toothaches and muscle pain.
Negative Effects You Can Expect from Purple Lotus?
Adverse reactions that you would expect from Purple Lotus usage include dry eyes and dry mouth. Users may also feel heaviness and sluggishness thus it is optimal to take this strain in the evening.
How to Grow Purple Lotus?Â
The plant grows better while indoors. It grows into a small crop that gives medium yield.
Cultivate it in a place where it can get sunlight and less humid air. Make sure to prune it in order to avoid rotting buds.
Other than that, it is not too hard to grow a Purple Lotus. You just have to make to meet its growing conditions and be wary of molds and pest.