Super Silver CBD Marijuana Seeds Information
Super Silver CBD is a world-famous Sativa dominant strain cultivated by Green House and offers a lot of wonderful medicinal qualities that can be used to treat both physical and mental ailments.
What are the Flavors and Effects of Super Silver CBD?
The flavors of this cannabis strain are Skunk, Earthy, Sweet and Spicy. These flavors create a harmonious effect, in other words, a perfectly balanced strain. It creates a smooth vibe that easily uplifts the user and makes them feel relaxed. At the same time, they also feel motivated.
They will gently enter a state of euphoric, cerebral high and this moment can make them feel creative.
What are the Medical Benefits of Super Silver CBD?
This strain helps with a lot of physical ailments such as inflammation, minor bodily pains and even helps cure lethargy or fatigue. At the same time, it also helps you deal with mental struggles such as stress, depression and anxiety. The euphoric, cerebral effect of this plant gives you peace of mind and calms your body.
Negative Effects you Can Expect Super Silver CBD?
This strain can cause dryness of the eyes and mouth much like every common cannabis strains. Consuming this strain in higher dosage levels may result in paranoia.
How to Grow Super Silver CBD?
This strain loves temperate climate, therefore, it is a good candidate for indoor growing where you can easily manipulate its surrounding environment. For better results, using a Screen of Green and Low Stress Training techniques will help you achieve its maximum potential yield.